Office Hours: M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM  |  Material Sales: M-F 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Estate Gates

We Offer Elegant and Classic Aluminum Gates

Aluminum gates have quickly become the standard in metal estate gates. They have the sophisticated and beautiful appearance of wrought iron, but they are more light weight and cost-efficient. This is also a low-maintanance option for those who don’t have the time to spend on upkeep. Chamblee Fence has gating options for every aesthetic preference. Browse our gallery of gates to find the perfect fit and style.

Protect Your Valuable Property With Estate Gates

Your home, family and property are too precious for you to leave open to intruders, bravo! to you for protecting your family and home.  Whether you want to protect your front yard, back yard, driveway or swimming pool, we will help find the right choice. At Chamblee Fence we have the highest quality selection of gates in the Atlanta area.

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estate gates installation in atlanta georgia

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